Traditional engine lubricants provide varying degrees of protection from excessive wear, deposits and corrosion, while also inhibiting oil shearing and oxidation. NDL 360 Next Generation Additive Pack technology, powered by nanodiamonds, defies traditional standards in oil performance by offering unparalleled engine protection while dramatically improving engine operation.

NDL 360 doesn’t just outperform existing oils but outlasts them as well, which means fewer oil drain intervals. NDL 360 oil achieves these amazing results by radically reducing the engine’s coefficient of friction to levels once considered impossible. By so sharply reducing friction, NDL 360 targets the source of wear, corrosion, resistance and heat, and that translates into significantly reduced fuel and maintenance costs and longer engine life.

At one-billionth of a meter, nanodiamonds within the NDL 360 Next Generation Additive Pack drive the revolutionary properties of our oil. They conduct oil deep into the latticed substrate of frictional surfaces, reducing asperities at the level of atomic roughness, and creating a powerful barrier which shields metals from moisture and corrosives while also providing superior engine protection from wear. Nanodiamonds hold oil in place, even after the engine is turned off, dramatically reducing friction and friction related wear during cold starts and while operating under loads. The NDL 360 nanodiamond powered additive pack establishes a new standard for oil performance, enhancing engine operation, delivering greater horsepower and torque more efficiently. As a result, fuel consumption drops dramatically and engines run longer with less wear — prolonging the useful life of fleets, all while significantly increasing profit margins.

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